Friday, June 13, 2014

Gone for Good (Hopefully)

Below are 3 screen shots taken directly from Leonard's own page. One can only hope that he is being honest for once in his miserable life but based on his past I'll choose to remain skeptical of this latest bit of information.

Last fall he played the game of going to South Carolina to discuss a possible sponsorship with a legitimate 501(c)(3) non profit. This was proven to be a lie and to those who know the games Leonard plays this was not a surprise at all.

Now he wishes to use his "relationship" with his daughter and the death of his father at an early age as well as that of a "friend" to say he is calling an end to his "walk". I'm sorry Leonard but you were never a good father to begin with so I think it's a little late in the game to start using her as an excuse to bring your scam to an end. Considering you never made an attempt to be part of her life prior to this I seriously doubt your "relationship", or lack thereof, is the true reason for ending this scam. I'm thinking that more and more people are reading about you and your scam is just not working quite like it did when you first started. Your funding is drying up faster than you can think up new scams to use and it's showing in what you post or fail to post on your various pages. Considering that when you do a web search using your name it's not your OWA page that shows up at the top of the page. It's a couple of the blogs that detail your con that are at the top of the page. It's small wonder ANYONE would fall for your game if they read any of those blogs.

I do hope you stay gone Leonard but know that if you attempt to bring your scam game back from the "dead" in any shape or form we will be waiting and the next time you may not be so lucky to avoid paying the price for your lying con game.

Below is a screen shot that has become typical of Leonard's misguided non inflatable "girlfriend". You'll remember her as the one with the split personality. Today she posts as Alice Grenier but give it time and she'll post as her other personality Lynn Grenier.

Please don't presume to speak for me Alice/Lynn. When you state that EVERYONE is so very proud of Leonard you presume to speak for me and the others who have worked to shut your thieving con artist boyfriend down. We are not proud of a damn thing Leonard has done and trust me we'll be keeping an eye out for OWA Version 2. You can be proud of the shit for brains scam artist Alice/Lynn but for those of us who see the world with open eyes he'll always be a shitbag who went AWOL (aka DESERTED) from the USMC for 200 days. That will haunt him for the rest of his miserable life.

BTW Alice/Lynn those "fools" and "idiots" didn't go AWOL for 200 plus days. They didn't con SA out of an Ipad. They didn't sleep around all while claiming to "walk" to raise awareness for homeless Veterans. What I'm saying Alice/Lynn is it's those "fools" and "idiots" who will be around to make sure your shitbag deserter stays gone. Yes we did succeed but then the pic below says it all where you are concerned Alice/Lynn

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Christian Scammer

God forgives and I do believe this to be true but my question for you McQuown is how long do you think you can continue this charade before God finally says it's time to end it? We're not promised tomorrow. You most certainly know that as you walk you are at a higher risk of being put 6 feet under in a potters field then many people. All it will take is 1 drunk or distracted driver. That is provided you are even walking and not suckering someone like Curtis to drive you to Austin. The point to this is that your days could end sooner than you think and do you honestly think God is going to forgive you when you meet him face to face? He's going to look you square in the eye and say..."GO FROM ME FOR I DO NOT KNOW YOU".

The fact of the matter is that you are not a Christian but rather a self serving hypocrite who is hoping that you won't get caught in your lies by those who are too naive, too stupid, or just too blind in their ignorance to see you for what you truly are. Seems to me that another person who thought he was too "Holy" to get caught in his sins did indeed get caught and then publicly humiliated.

Your day will come McQuown and no matter what you might think your judgement is not going to be what you planned. For you, and those like you, will not find your names written in the Book. You are not unstoppable McQuown and soon enough you will find that out.

For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. (Romans 16:18)

This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. (Matthew 15:8-9)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What is a Veteran

Here's a's NOT Leonard Dale McQuown

So the pic above is something McQuown posted on his Facebook page. I've got a few issues with McQuown posting this and trust me I am not the only one.

The problem with this being posted by McQuown is his history of service in the USMC. Perhaps I should rephrase that by saying his LACK OF SERVICE. See McQuown did serve but he destroyed that service when he went AWOL/UA for 200+ days. To many Veterans that is equal to desertion no matter what a person might say. Honorable Veterans, of which McQuown is not one, do NOT desert their post for 200+ days. McQuown did this not once but twice. The first time it was not nearly as long but the fact of the matter is that McQuown didn't learn his lesson the first time. The second time the USMC MP's hauled his ass back to base. The only reason I can figure he was not charged with desertion is because the USMC legal beagles did not want to subject the Corps nor it's brig occupants to any more of McQuown's stench.

This man is scum of the lowest form and to think that he would thumb his nose at Veterans who hold honor and integrity to a higher standard. It shows what he truly thinks of those of us who have served honorably and in some cases put our asses on the line in the combat zones of the world.


A Veteran takes an oath upon enlistment and holds to that oath to the best of his/her ability. A Veteran puts the needs of the many above his/her own personal needs or wants. A Veteran DOES NOT desert his/her post in peace or war. A Veteran does not hide from his/her wrongdoing and deny it. A Veteran does not scam honest hardworking people with false claims of helping to raise awareness of homeless veterans and then pocket the money he is given.

A Veteran is not something that Leonard Dale McQuown could ever hope to be. He is a disgrace to the USMC and he could never be included amongst the many who hold honor and integrity to a higher standard.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Schizoid Women and the Scammers who love them

Perhaps I should retitle this one The Love Saga of a Schizo and her Scammer. (Perhaps not)

So the photo above is one Alice Grenier. Perhaps she goes by Lynn Grenier Roberge today but either way they are one and the same. They are 2 personalities within the multi chinned body above. They are also involved with McQuown and his scam game up to the upper most chin. (I'd bet if you did a search of her chins you'd probably find her lost dog and a few leftovers from the all you can eat buffet down the road from where she lives)

The video below is a "heartbroken" Lynn basically telling McQuown to piss off. Seems he was using her and she got offended when she found out she had to share McQuown with someone else. Despite this she continues to stay with him even when he is scamming hundreds of miles away in Louisiana and Texas.

As the video will prove not only is Alice complicit in McQuown's cross country scam game she is also complicit in the I-Pad scam. This particular scam involved Soldiers Angels and how, together, Lynn and McQuown conned SA into giving him an I-Pad. It involved McQuown using a pic of a disabled woman that he got off the internet and then having Alice, or Lynn, to act as this woman's "Aunt" to pick up the I-Pad. That I-Pad then made it's way into McQuown's grubby vienna sausage fingers and the rest is scammer history. The worst thing about all of this is that neither McQuown nor Alice feels the least bit of remorse for their actions. It's typical McQuown and this proves that Alice is 100% involved with this cross country scam. I do wonder which one of the 3 will turn on the other first when this comes back to bite them on the ass.

Will Alice turn on Lynn? Will Lynn turn on Alice? Will both turn on McQuown?



Sunday, April 27, 2014

Scammer got a Boo Boo

So according to the screen shot above it would seem our little scammer got himself a boo boo. I'd first like to know who paid for the Doctor to make the diagnosis or is Mac the Scammer now a licensed MD?

So does anyone else wonder how he could pay for xrays? Is it just me or does that look like a hotel/motel blanket our scammer is laying on? Oh wait it IS a hotel/motel blanket because he was staying at the Sleep Inn. Neglected to tell your rabid cultists that didn't ya Leonard? Funny how that "solemn" oath to sleep in your tent during your journey went out the door as soon as you hooked a new sucker huh Leonard.

Speaking of Suckers...

God is indeed great because if he wasn't looking out for your pathetic carcass you'd probably be in jail being bubba's bitch instead of scamming honest hardworking people out of money they can ill afford to give out. (By the way Mark Torrey I'd recommend laying off the paint chips for a few weeks.)

So ladies and gents it would seem our scammer has gone and "hurt" himself so now he is laid up "recovering" from this "injury". If you have been following this scam artists journey on Facebook you know what is coming next but if you have not been following well I am not going to spoil the surprise for you. Trust me when it happens you'll understand why I won't need to say I TOLD YOU SO.

Pass the popcorn please the shows about to start...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Supporting a Scamming Fraud



So McQuown put a post up on his "Support" page regarding a music video done by an artist and military Veteran who goes by the name of Sabo. Sabo has posted on the youtube video that it is dedicated to Mac McQuown. You can read the dedication by going to the video and watching the opening of it. Just click the link below.

As soon as it became known that this video was out there various people who knew the truth about McQuown asked Sabo to remove his apparent support of McQuown. He was given enough information that would have convinced anyone but the most diehard McQuown fanatic. (yes he has a couple of these) Unfortunately the only thing Sabo did was post a miniscule disclaimer which you can read below.

Disclaimer: This video and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for use as an audio reference for the party or entity to whom they are addressed. This video was made prior to any knowledge of any malpractice and/or wrong doing that the dedicated party may or may not be involved in.

Now unless you click the "SHOW MORE" on the Video information you will not see this disclaimer and you will see Sabo's dedication and presume he supports this fraud on his "walk". The right thing to do would have been to remove any and all reference to McQuown with an explanation why it was removed. That explanation could be something as simple as..."Due to accusations raised by outside parties and McQuown's inability to refute them I have removed all references to Mac McQuown and his "walk" from my music video."

Is that so hard to do Sabo? Do you think REDCON1 and the rest of your group are going to appreciate the negative press that will happen when McQuown gets caught in his game and gets thrown in jail for it? If you doubt my accusations regarding McQuown I would ask that you contact Ravens Outreach in Baton Rouge LA and ask them about McQuowns alleged donation. I'll post their official response below so you can see for yourself.

As a fellow Veteran I am asking you to do the right thing Sabo and remove your apparent support of this fraud by removing your dedication on the youtube video and explaining why you removed it. You can always put it back if McQuown can honestly answer any questions you ask him. If you need any further proof of McQuowns scam simply ask and I'll show you how misguided your support of him truly is.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Picture is worth 1,000 words

The letter above is the OFFICIAL response from Ravens Outreach on how McQuown's claim is an outright lie. He began the process of making a donation via Paypal and shortly after that he requested a refund. No donation was ever made by McQuown to Ravens Outreach despite what he might say.

The screen save above is taken directly from McQuown's webpage. Here McQuown, or someone representing him, makes the claim that the Ravens Outreach "donation" is the first of the season. As can be seen by the 1st screen save above we know he did not donate anything and this claim is an outright lie.

This screen save is his "explanation" of the screw up with the "donation" to Ravens Outreach. Here he is blaming the Greendot MC Prepaid card for his failure to donate to them. The fact is we have seen the paperwork regarding this and McQuown was not using a prepaid Greendot Mastercard. He was making the donation via E-Check through Paypal. Greendot could not be the reason why this "donation" never occurred as the refund had to be requested by the person making the "donation" which, in this case, would be one Leonard Dale McQuown.

So what was McQuown doing during all of this "donation" controversy? Was he attempting to make it right by personally handing them the $250 he originally said he donated? Did he help any homeless Veterans find a place to stay for the night? Did he volunteer at Ravens Outreach to make up for his "donation"?

  HELL NO!!!!!

As the screen save above shows McQuown was to busy partying with some new "friends" in New Orleans. Rather than committing to his "cause" and helping homeless Veterans or talking to local civic and political leaders about the plight of homeless Veterans McQuown is partying it up and enjoying the limelight and knowing full well he is scamming people through this entire "walk".

The screen save below is a photo of a LIQUOR STORE employee who supposedly "donated" to McQuown. Does this seem like a person with the noble mission of raising awareness on the plight of homeless Veterans? It seems more like a drunkard scamming his way out of paying for his booze to me. The pic and it's following comment are taken directly from McQuowns Support page on Facebook.

ANOTHER INCREDIBLE GIFT : GOD CONTINUES HIS LOVE. I Visited a small store and was Blessed with an incredible Gift. The Gentleman in this Picture " ALI " was so touched by Our Mission that he handed me two Plastic Bags and said " MAC Fill these up with what ever you need " I was Stunned and Speechless. God Continues to Give. Just when I think he can't out do the last Blessing , its like he Smiles and says to me 
" Watch This Mac " GOD IS GREAT !!!

Oh by the way the screen save below is his "donation" to a local food bank. It's the food people threw during this parade that McQuown collected. Seems throwing food is a tradition during this parade but would ANY food bank take this as a donation? Not a chance in hell this would have been accepted despite what McQuown would tell you.

So while all this controversy over the Ravens Outreach "donation" still awaits answers from McQuown he heads out of town with his new found "friend" Curtis and heads for DeQuincy LA enroute to Texas. Does McQuown follow his "solemn word" and sleep in his tent? Not a chance in hell when there are people who he can sucker into paying for a hotel/motel room. In this case it was the DeQuincy PD Auxiliary who paid for a room at the Red Oak Inn. This was not a one night stay either. He stayed there several days until it became uncomfortable for him in DeQuincy and he headed out of town. The screen save below is a 2 part pic. The top pic is a photo McQuown took from the Red Oak Inn. Please not he mentions nothing about the Red Oak Inn nor is there anything to give it away unless you know a few tricks using a computer and Google. The bottom pic is what you see when you turn around and look "behind" the photo. It's the front of the Red Oak Inn and a simple call to them confirmed that McQuown indeed stayed there for a couple days.

Stick around folks there will be more to this scammers story as the days progress.

A look at the "walk" through Louisiana

So I'll be taking some information from the Facebook page about Leonard McQuown. This information details McQuowns journey through Louisiana and what occurred in the 3 months it took him to get to Baton Rouge and then on into Texas. Please by all means read this information and decide for yourself if it looks like what this clown is doing is truly what he claims. Remember folks this is the same guy who gave his "SOLEMN WORD" that he would do certain things like sleep in his tent for the rest of his "walk" or that he would keep better records of his charitable donations and both the money he received and the money he "donated". As is apparent by his lack of explanation regarding his "donation" to Ravens Outreach in Baton Rouge we see that to McQuown his word means nothing and he will continue to con people into helping him on his journey both financially and with places to stay and meals. Read below and you decide or go to Operation Footstomp via the link to the right in the Blog List and read what they have.

Leonard Dale McQuown's 3 month walk across Louisiana . 

Veteran Hospital's visited ; 0 
VFW's And American Legion's visited : 0 
Veteran Homless Shelter visited : 0 

TV Reality Star's & Locations visited : 2 
Sight Seeing tours : At least 2 
Holiday Parade's attended : 1 

Donations he made to homeless Veterans and Shelters ..Two $ 10.00. bills handed to two homeless men who told him they were Veterans. A $ 250.00 donation to Raven's Outreach which he asked for a refund.

Approx amount of days spent in his tent :20

Approx amount of days spent in Motel rooms paid for by someone else. :60

Approx. amount of days staying in someone else's home : 10

Approx amount of money spent to house and feed McQuown for the 90 days he was in LA, $ 4000.00

Donations made to alleged Homeless Veterans in LA ; $ 20.00

Now will someone please tell me how this is benefiting anyone other than L. Dale McQuown ? ....~ Scotty

Monday, April 21, 2014

Solemn Word that means NOTHING

Solemn Word of Lies

The link above will take you to McQuowns "Solemn Word" video clip. In this video he gives his "solemn" word that he will do this "honorable walk" and that if he has to crawl across the "finish line" at Arlington he will do so. He will do this no matter what it takes or costs.

The problem is it is not costing him ANYTHING.

McQuown has given his "solemn" word before. He has given his "solemn word" that he will maintain a better accounting of the donations he receives and where the money goes. This is easily proven to be a lie by the clip from WBRZ in Baton Rouge that shows him to be a liar and a fraud.

McQuown has also given his "solemn" word that he will sleep outside in his donated tent and no longer stay with people he is conning nor in hotels or motels that are paid for by unwitting people he scams. This has also been proven to be a lie as he has stayed in the Red Oak Inn in DeQuincy LA for several days and it was paid for by someone else.

McQuown has been at this "walk" for 2.5 years now and yet has visited fewer then 15 Capitols. He has made the claim to have raised a significant amount of money, I believe I've seen it stated that the total is around $8k, and yet he cannot prove where any of it has gone. He, and his friend Alice (Lynn) Grenier, have successfully scammed Soldiers Angels out of an I-Pad tablet computer using the picture and information of an actual disabled young woman. He makes a big showing of donating $10 to a homeless man who stated he was a Veteran and yet McQuown ran away from the Ravens Outreach issue without staying around to clear it up and prove his detractors wrong. He's currently in Texas, or so he claims, and refuses to answer for his lies about the $250 donation scam he perpetrated on Ravens Outreach in Baton Rouge.

Do you STILL think this piece of trash is doing what he claims? Stick around because I'll continue to provide you with material that should at the very least have you scratching your head and wondering WTF.

It's time to shut you down

Here on this blog I will help coordinate the cyber battle with my fellow bloggers regarding one Leonard D McQuown. What follows below is a brief synopsis of Leonard's life and the game he is currently playing at the expense of our Veterans and the unwitting public.

Leonard McQuown makes it known that he is a USMC and US Army Veteran. What he has made less well known is that during his final year with the USMC he went AWOL/UA not ONCE but TWICE. The final AWOL/UA incident would actually be classified as DESERTION since he was gone for 200+ days and the USMC actually had to bring him back to stand for the charges against him. This is the coward that is Leonard D McQuown. A person who makes a mockery of USMC honor and tradition. A person who DESERTED his fellow Marines and had no intent of ever returning. He'll deny that last part but the fact remains that he had every chance to return but did no such thing.

McQuown is now playing a game of "walking" across the US to visit each capitol under the guise of raising awareness of the plight of homeless Veterans. McQuown is not a legitimate Federally recognized 501(c)(3) non profit nor is he affiliated with any such organization. Two Non Profits that originally supported him withdrew their support after questions arose regarding McQuown. McQuown has stated he has not kept records of donations received nor where those donations went after he received them. When questioned to show proof of his charitable donations he cannot provide ANY documentation to refute claims that he is lining his own pockets with the money he is given.

In future blog posts I will begin to provide the proof as I and my friends have it that will show conclusively how Leonard McQuown is indeed a coward, a fraud, and a low life scumbag who should be sitting in jail for this scam he is perpetrating on those who hold our military Veterans in such high regard.

Below is a link to the most recent example of his lying scam and it was caught during a WBRZ's interview with McQuown. It shows McQuown's lie that he is out to help raise awareness of our homeless Veterans by the followup the reporter did to the charity Ravens Outreach where McQuown said he had donated $250. Read the article and watch the clip and then YOU be the judge if McQuown is truly trying to help as he states or if he is simply lining his own pockets while "walking" across this country at other's expense.

WBRZ News Article