The letter above is the OFFICIAL response from Ravens Outreach on how McQuown's claim is an outright lie. He began the process of making a donation via Paypal and shortly after that he requested a refund. No donation was ever made by McQuown to Ravens Outreach despite what he might say.
The screen save above is taken directly from McQuown's webpage. Here McQuown, or someone representing him, makes the claim that the Ravens Outreach "donation" is the first of the season. As can be seen by the 1st screen save above we know he did not donate anything and this claim is an outright lie.
This screen save is his "explanation" of the screw up with the "donation" to Ravens Outreach. Here he is blaming the Greendot MC Prepaid card for his failure to donate to them. The fact is we have seen the paperwork regarding this and McQuown was not using a prepaid Greendot Mastercard. He was making the donation via E-Check through Paypal. Greendot could not be the reason why this "donation" never occurred as the refund had to be requested by the person making the "donation" which, in this case, would be one Leonard Dale McQuown.

So what was McQuown doing during all of this "donation" controversy? Was he attempting to make it right by personally handing them the $250 he originally said he donated? Did he help any homeless Veterans find a place to stay for the night? Did he volunteer at Ravens Outreach to make up for his "donation"?
HELL NO!!!!!
As the screen save above shows McQuown was to busy partying with some new "friends" in New Orleans. Rather than committing to his "cause" and helping homeless Veterans or talking to local civic and political leaders about the plight of homeless Veterans McQuown is partying it up and enjoying the limelight and knowing full well he is scamming people through this entire "walk".
The screen save below is a photo of a LIQUOR STORE employee who supposedly "donated" to McQuown. Does this seem like a person with the noble mission of raising awareness on the plight of homeless Veterans? It seems more like a drunkard scamming his way out of paying for his booze to me. The pic and it's following comment are taken directly from McQuowns Support page on Facebook.
ANOTHER INCREDIBLE GIFT : GOD CONTINUES HIS LOVE. I Visited a small store and was Blessed with an incredible Gift. The Gentleman in this Picture " ALI " was so touched by Our Mission that he handed me two Plastic Bags and said " MAC Fill these up with what ever you need " I was Stunned and Speechless. God Continues to Give. Just when I think he can't out do the last Blessing , its like he Smiles and says to me
" Watch This Mac " GOD IS GREAT !!!
Oh by the way the screen save below is his "donation" to a local food bank. It's the food people threw during this parade that McQuown collected. Seems throwing food is a tradition during this parade but would ANY food bank take this as a donation? Not a chance in hell this would have been accepted despite what McQuown would tell you.
So while all this controversy over the Ravens Outreach "donation" still awaits answers from McQuown he heads out of town with his new found "friend" Curtis and heads for DeQuincy LA enroute to Texas. Does McQuown follow his "solemn word" and sleep in his tent? Not a chance in hell when there are people who he can sucker into paying for a hotel/motel room. In this case it was the DeQuincy PD Auxiliary who paid for a room at the Red Oak Inn. This was not a one night stay either. He stayed there several days until it became uncomfortable for him in DeQuincy and he headed out of town. The screen save below is a 2 part pic. The top pic is a photo McQuown took from the Red Oak Inn. Please not he mentions nothing about the Red Oak Inn nor is there anything to give it away unless you know a few tricks using a computer and Google. The bottom pic is what you see when you turn around and look "behind" the photo. It's the front of the Red Oak Inn and a simple call to them confirmed that McQuown indeed stayed there for a couple days.

Stick around folks there will be more to this scammers story as the days progress.
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