So I'll be taking some information from the Facebook page about Leonard McQuown. This information details McQuowns journey through Louisiana and what occurred in the 3 months it took him to get to Baton Rouge and then on into Texas. Please by all means read this information and decide for yourself if it looks like what this clown is doing is truly what he claims. Remember folks this is the same guy who gave his "SOLEMN WORD" that he would do certain things like sleep in his tent for the rest of his "walk" or that he would keep better records of his charitable donations and both the money he received and the money he "donated". As is apparent by his lack of explanation regarding his "donation" to Ravens Outreach in Baton Rouge we see that to McQuown his word means nothing and he will continue to con people into helping him on his journey both financially and with places to stay and meals. Read below and you decide or go to Operation Footstomp via the link to the right in the Blog List and read what they have.
Leonard Dale McQuown's 3 month walk across Louisiana .
Veteran Hospital's visited ; 0
VFW's And American Legion's visited : 0
Veteran Homless Shelter visited : 0
TV Reality Star's & Locations visited : 2
Sight Seeing tours : At least 2
Holiday Parade's attended : 1
Donations he made to homeless Veterans and Shelters ..Two $ 10.00. bills handed to two homeless men who told him they were Veterans. A $ 250.00 donation to Raven's Outreach which he asked for a refund.
Approx amount of days spent in his tent :20
Approx amount of days spent in Motel rooms paid for by someone else. :60
Approx. amount of days staying in someone else's home : 10
Approx amount of money spent to house and feed McQuown for the 90 days he was in LA, $ 4000.00
Donations made to alleged Homeless Veterans in LA ; $ 20.00
Now will someone please tell me how this is benefiting anyone other than L. Dale McQuown ? ....~ Scotty
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