Sunday, April 27, 2014

Scammer got a Boo Boo

So according to the screen shot above it would seem our little scammer got himself a boo boo. I'd first like to know who paid for the Doctor to make the diagnosis or is Mac the Scammer now a licensed MD?

So does anyone else wonder how he could pay for xrays? Is it just me or does that look like a hotel/motel blanket our scammer is laying on? Oh wait it IS a hotel/motel blanket because he was staying at the Sleep Inn. Neglected to tell your rabid cultists that didn't ya Leonard? Funny how that "solemn" oath to sleep in your tent during your journey went out the door as soon as you hooked a new sucker huh Leonard.

Speaking of Suckers...

God is indeed great because if he wasn't looking out for your pathetic carcass you'd probably be in jail being bubba's bitch instead of scamming honest hardworking people out of money they can ill afford to give out. (By the way Mark Torrey I'd recommend laying off the paint chips for a few weeks.)

So ladies and gents it would seem our scammer has gone and "hurt" himself so now he is laid up "recovering" from this "injury". If you have been following this scam artists journey on Facebook you know what is coming next but if you have not been following well I am not going to spoil the surprise for you. Trust me when it happens you'll understand why I won't need to say I TOLD YOU SO.

Pass the popcorn please the shows about to start...

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