Perhaps I should retitle this one The Love Saga of a Schizo and her Scammer. (Perhaps not)

So the photo above is one Alice Grenier. Perhaps she goes by Lynn Grenier Roberge today but either way they are one and the same. They are 2 personalities within the multi chinned body above. They are also involved with McQuown and his scam game up to the upper most chin. (I'd bet if you did a search of her chins you'd probably find her lost dog and a few leftovers from the all you can eat buffet down the road from where she lives)
The video below is a "heartbroken" Lynn basically telling McQuown to piss off. Seems he was using her and she got offended when she found out she had to share McQuown with someone else. Despite this she continues to stay with him even when he is scamming hundreds of miles away in Louisiana and Texas.
As the video will prove not only is Alice complicit in McQuown's cross country scam game she is also complicit in the I-Pad scam. This particular scam involved Soldiers Angels and how, together, Lynn and McQuown conned SA into giving him an I-Pad. It involved McQuown using a pic of a disabled woman that he got off the internet and then having Alice, or Lynn, to act as this woman's "Aunt" to pick up the I-Pad. That I-Pad then made it's way into McQuown's grubby vienna sausage fingers and the rest is scammer history. The worst thing about all of this is that neither McQuown nor Alice feels the least bit of remorse for their actions. It's typical McQuown and this proves that Alice is 100% involved with this cross country scam. I do wonder which one of the 3 will turn on the other first when this comes back to bite them on the ass.
Will Alice turn on Lynn? Will Lynn turn on Alice? Will both turn on McQuown?